jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009


Our discussions at the lunch table are mostly pretty calm. However, seeing as a majority of our volunteer staff teaches English, there is one topic that gets everyone heated. The deeply profound question: Pop or Soda?

I, being from the Chicagoland area, have grown up saying pop. Knowing that there are others that, in my now very strong opinion, incorrectly call it “soda,” I realized early on the opportunity I had as an English teacher. There would be no teaching “soda” in my classroom.

I’m not sure how, but the “pop-soda-each-side-thinks-they’re-right” discussion came up. Kristin, who I previously thought was a fellow pop supporter because she’s a Midwesterner (Wisconsin), was staunchly defending the “soda” side. Amy, Sara, and I were making a pretty good showing for pop. I must say though, Kristin held her own.

It was heated. I was almost in tears, Sara and Amy refused to speak to Kristin, and Kristin stormed off.

Well. Not quite. But I’m still stubborn about my choice in using pop and the discussion didn’t accomplish much—except that I now know Wisconsin says it wrong.

It’s worth mentioning that all the while, Nadja, our volunteer from the Netherlands, was not remotely interested in this. I don’t blame her, really.

--Lara DeVries, Light and Leadership Volunteer

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I've spent a lot of time in Lima since 1995, also helping kids there, and giving advice to adults about fitness and nutrition (my hobby).

    I think in the United States, maybe about the early 1900's or after it was invented, the people called it "Soda-pop." Then, some areas shortened it to just "pop" and others to "soda." I think the soda refers to the bicarbonate of soda in the recipe. In Pennsylvania, the western side of the state calls it "pop," and the eastern side calls it "soda." To me, pop is another word for "dad" or "to burst."

    Either, way, it is the one of the worst things you could drink. There is no benefit in drinking pop or soda. This is no secret to people unless they are living in a cave. It is absolutely the worst thing for kids to drink, and I hope that you all there people advise those adults in Huaycan to stop wasting their money and health on that sugared chemical drink. They are going to create more health problems for themselves and their kids than they need- ie. tooth decay, diabetis, childhood obesity, adhd, higher risk for cancer, osteo-porosis etc. Tell them to buy Inka-Water instead of artificial Inka-cola.

    Sugar drinks gaseosas and dulces postres, reduce the immune system hasta 50%. And please, make sure the people know, that if anyone has cancer, to STOP eating sweets, which actually feed cancer cells.

    Keep up the great work!!


    Michael in Pa.

    P.S.- the choclo is just their species of corn, maybe because of the hot climate the kernels are tougher to protect against loosing its moisture. If they ate the U.S. sweet corn, they would probably never eat their choclo again!

  2. Re soda v. pop: neither works if you go to Atlanta, Georgia USA, home of the Coca-Cola company. Everyone there calls any carbonated drink "coke" as in a waiter's question, "what kind of coke do you want? We have cherry coke, orange coke, lemon lime coke, grape coke" etc. If you want their signature trademark drink, you must ask for "Coca-Cola." Just plain "I'll have a Coke" doesn't work in Atlanta.
