Light and Leadership is in NEED of volunteers for next year! We are seeking out volunteers to teach our education programs just outside of Lima, Peru. Opportunities can be found specifically in our English and French programs (but other opps can be found in Chess, Math, and Art) starting January 2012!! Long term stays (at least two months) are preferred, no Spanish is required. Internships are available too!
Super exciting, right?! Apply
Speak Spanish? Have a passion for working with women? AND you're available for 4 months starting January 2012? WOW, be our Women's Empowerment Program Manager! Email Lara DeVries at Lara@lightandleadership.org with your resume and cover letter.
Published by Lara DeVries on behalf of Light and Leadership. Special thanks to Jessie Pincus for the photo. We miss you!
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