Two years of education programs. Two years of working hard.
Two years of IMPACT on hundreds of families in Huaycan.
Thank you.
Thank you.

On June 12th, LLI celebrated it's two year anniversary with lots of amazing activities. We welcomed over 110 kids and their parents. Kids enjoyed an hour and a half of face paints, balloon animals, I ♥ LLI bracelet making, hula hoops and jump ropes, and MORE. We continued the celebration with our English Vocabulary Bee (Congrats to our SEVEN winners, pictured above!) and a group of students put on a presentation about LLI and how past and current volunteers have gotten involved with LLI. Stay tuned for the video! LLI also handed out special awards to outsanding students in their areas of Physical Education, Chess, Art, English, French, and Participation. Two women also received awards for our Computer Skills class.
It was an amazing day.

And at the end of the day, over 20 volunteers from all over the world gathered around to celebrate the amazing day with some "Chifa" (really great Peruvian-Chinese food). Thanks to our in-house volunteers (Ellie Hargadon-Lowe for event coordination), our dedicated staff, local Huaycan volunteers (that's you Katty!), and commuting Lima volunteers.
We did it!
Published by Lara DeVries on behalf of the Light and Leadership Initiative. Want to be there next year? Email Lara at It's a day not to be missed. Special thanks to Mimosa Lindstrom, Jessie Pincus, Natalie Kinsey, and Carlos Motin for generously lending LLI their Anniversary photos!